Do you believe that eyelashes are your curtain-raiser to the window of your inner self? All women wish to have long, attractive, and healthy eyelashes to enhance her beauty.
Apart from being a beauty enhancer, it also protects your eyes from dust, dirt, sand, and soil. Eyelash care can be done successfully with a little attention and a few changes in your daily routine.
Adding that extra beauty to your eyes, you need to have either genetically blessed or your body must be having plenty of essential vitamins. But if you are losing your precious eyelashes or it is thinning gradually, then don’t worry, you can grow them back.
Many a time, you fulfill your dream by applying mascara. But, when you aim for thick, distinctive, and natural eyelashes, you can try some of these natural tips at home
1. Keep your eyes away from harsh eye make-up products
There are several eye makeup products present in the market that are tempting and cheap. Try to be alert and check before buying. Make-up products may contain harsh chemicals that can damage your eyelashes.
Always try to use the right mascara for your eyes. And remove mascara every night before sleeping. Application and removal of mascara are crucial. Also, buy new mascara every three months to avoid any damage from the old one.
2. Apply coconut oil
Coconut oil is an age-old method used for hair growth due to its penetrating effects. So it prevents losing your hair protein. Go for organic cold-pressed coconut oil for treating your thin and damaged eyelashes. It helps in regrowth of lashes.
Clean and dry your lashes before application. Dip a small cotton ball into the coconut oil and gently apply on both upper and lower eyelashes. Let the oil stay overnight and rinse it in the morning.
3. Apply Castor Oil
Castor oil is easily available in the market. Try to get the natural and organic cold-pressed castor oil for hair growth. Apply it on your eyelashes with a brush or a Qtip gently. Within a few days of regular use of castor oil, you will get to see a remarkable change in the growth of your lashes.
Another way is to mix castor oil with lavender oil or neem oil and apply it on your eyelashes and leave it overnight for the best results. Be careful while applying so that the oil doesn’t get inside your eyes.
4. Apply Olive Oil
There are numerous benefits of olive oil. It is also very useful for your lashes. Try a DIY form to treat your eyelashes. Take a lemon and cut it into small pieces. Put those pieces into one-fourth cup of olive oil. Leave the mix for 2-3 days. You can then apply this solution on your lashes before going to bed and leave it overnight. The next day morning, clean it for longer and thicker eyelashes.
5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is multi-talented as it has millions of health benefits. For beautiful and longer looking lashes, apply aloe vera gel with a brush at night. Leave it overnight as aloe vera will boost your lashes and make it thick and attractive.
6. Shea butter
Shea butter is an excellent product that you can use to replace the petroleum jelly for the application on the eyelashes. It is rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin A that nourishes your lashes and makes it long and beautiful.
7. Eat right diet
If you want to take care of your eyelashes from inside, start a healthy diet. When you take the holistic approach towards health, it will reflect on your face. Try to add an adequate amount of Vitamin C, E, A, and B complex along with iron-rich food in your daily diet. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and plenty of water are what you need.
8. Green tea
Green tea is an amazing thing that you can drink for overall health benefits and also apply it on your lashes for growing them healthier. Dab the cotton on green tea and smoothly brush onto your eyelashes. The numerous healthy nutrients present in it would help you for longer-looking lashes. Make sure to apply it when the tea water is cool. You can leave it overnight for better results.
9. Brush your lashes
Always try to gently brush your eyelashes with a brush. It will help you to grow your lashes straight. Also, brushing has a positive impact on the health of your eyelashes. It helps the lashes to grow longer than the usual growth.
10. Clean your lashes

Cleaning your eyelashes is vital when you have applied eye make-up before going to bed. Try to use special eye make-up remover like Micellar water for your eyes. Be quite keen on selecting the eye make-up remover and always check the ingredients before buying the product. Grab those which are light and alcohol-free. You can use a cotton ball while removing and cleaning your eyelashes.
Take some time out from your busy schedule and try out these home remedies. Flaunt your long and thick eyelashes and let your eyes talk.